Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm the oldest!

To my brother...

You have always been my baby brother. No matter how much taller than me you get (as in one complete foot) or that you will hit 30 too no it won't avoid you totally, you will always be younger than me... yes, deal with it!

We just hung out for a whole week (around my crazy work week) and basement building and here is what I want to say to you...
  • Taking pictures of my butt when I'm leaning over something... seriously! Do brothers always do these things?
  • Patting my head when you hug me makes me wonder if we've left junior high
  • Asking me to find you a Nail Bender is not cool... b/c it takes a while before I realize that you're talking about a hammer-hah, hah, KC takes a while to get that one
  • But the biggest thing is that I want to say thank you! You worked your butt off on developing my basement-framing, drywalling, lifting heavy things, priming the walls, doing my ceiling at 6:30 in the morning... You are such a trooper and helping me with my basement... well, basically you were rocking the free world... or at least your sister's world
So... even though you'll always be my younger (but taller!) brother, I now know that you can work really hard and you have left your mark on my house. The house says thank you! 

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pre shower anticipation

I am going to a baby shower this afternoon-it is for a sweet family member-so I'd happy to so my support. Please repeat with me "We're so sorry Knittinchick. We know that those are the equivalent of having to watch hours of 17 Kids and Counting without common painkillers such as chocolate or coffee."

Here's what makes it painful:
  • Birth Story Swap-a-thon. Yes, it doesn't feel like birth is a miracle when it is a very painful experience... but just like you don't want me to hear the retelling of painful stories such as horrid breakups or disgusting stomach flu stories-single girls all agree that they don't want to hear your stories. A nice little euphemism here and there isn't the worst thing ever.
  • Baby Shower Un-Games in my mind games are fun... NO ONE wants to eat that nasty baby food, sniff baby 'diapers' or anything like that. Don't do them.
  • Unqualified Advice Givers-people who got married at 22!!! give me advice such as, "When I was finally content, I found the man of my dreams." Sorry when you are 22, you are still a baby, you barely even know how to put one foot in front of the other... you haven't earned the right to give that speech. When I smile at you as you give that speech, I am showing you that God is doing good things in my heart... and that I have actually learned about patience... and you have no clue how annoying (if I'm having a good day) or hurtful (if it is a bad season) you are being.
  • Unknown Gramma's Comments, "You look so natural holding a baby. You'll have to have one someday." Sorry but I'm a big believer in A+B=C. I've got the A (me!) part... but there is no part B... so I guess that C isn't happening! 
But the best part... taking a handknit and then getting to hang out with my cousin's kids afterwards being the Cool Single Auntie-bring on the Polly Pockets!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Un-love letter

Dear Mr. Mayor:

Apparently lots of your community is up-in-arms about what our tax dollars are not doing. I know that your information number doesn't want to hear from us (as would be demonstrated by the message of "we know there's a problem, don't leave a message" love. But let me tell you why we don't love where our tax dollars are going right now. B/C this really happened to me:
  • On Monday night when I was going to a work commitment dressed up, I got stuck on a significant street. NO one was around. So between rocking my car back and forth, I was kicking snow out from under my tires. Made it JUST in time for my commitment. A tad sweaty but there in time.
  • Last night, due to the lack of street parking, my neighbors son parked in front of my house (my street's neighbors are very considerate about leaving street space in front of your house for you). I couldn't get into the space between cars (you need to leave space for the slippage ice and snow room) so had to turn around. This was a problem. I got stuck... two neighbors came out and pushed me out. While I appreciated getting to know them better, they don't want to see me at 11:45 and then help me up as I slip and fall on the ice. 
  • Please don't give yourself and other alderpersons a 5% raise on the week when everyone is up in arms about the lack of funding to clear the streets... it just doesn't seem all that authentic!
I know that I just pay taxes, work in non-profit and am a single chick in this city, but please... I feel a tad disconnected from being heard. The city is paying for the lack of street cleaning through accidents, ruined clothes and getting stuck. We don't really love it. Please listen. Pretty please with sugar on top?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

That stinkin' economy

So... with my work, I am not responsible for the economy (I know... there are small blessings in this world) but often have to watch it and follow trends as it impacts our work. This has been getting to me as you can only open so many emails stating, "Optimism is down 22% in one month" "Slumping economy affects my sector's future significantly" before it gets to you. So... I've decided to do what I can to save moola wherever. This includes the obvious such as:
  • Buying chicken on the bone and cooking it in a broth for chicken mole, chicken pot pie and soup (with extra broth) left over... savings: $20 (side effect: you only smell like cooked onions for a couple hours) 
  • Making coffee at home and taking it with you to work... savings: $1.75 (side effect: you get stir crazy @ work b/c you can't escape for 'needing coffee' mid morning)
  • Cutting your own bangs that are WAY too long... savings $40 because it stretches your hair cut another month (side effect: you have to watch where the hair gets)
I'm all about the creative solutions so I don't feel like I am stuck. But if I look like I'm nodding my head a lot, it's not because you're that intriguing... it's just because I don't want you to notice my hairdressing skills.