Thursday, September 25, 2008

For your safety

For your Safety, the following Public Safety Announcement is being made:

“There is rumor of potential innocent people being attacked when opening the kitchen fridge. Lower your chances of being attacked by mystery meat trying to evolve to the next level, yogurt gone bad or a massive flat pop by….

1. Taking your lunch out of those massive plastic grocery bags. It saves room for the later day working crowd and reminds you of what you brought.
2. Bringing your lunch in small Rubbermaid containers… not big ones. Big ones hurt more when they fall on your feet.
3. Assuming responsibility if the Lunch That Went Bad grew up in your home. No one will think any less of you for quietly sneaking into the kitchen in the middle of the day and pitching reminders of the lunch that went the wayward way.

On behalf of all those who love their olfactory senses and space for their lunch, we thank you!”


granola_granny said...

I'm with you Knittin. No one wants to dig through food turned 'science project' while finding their lunch. How about 'Free Style Fridays'? Your friendly OC persons could be invited to pitch and clean from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. on Fridays. You may loose a few containers but come Monday the senses will not be offended.

Kathie said...

Too funny.
Blessings from Costa Rica

Anonymous said...

Welcome to your new blog home. Must remember to change my favorites. Have a good weekend!