Friday, July 17, 2009

Sometimes someone else knows how to say it!

SO... summertime is wedding season. The dreaded single person's activity to go and be supportive of their friends yet again. Don't get me wrong... we're happy for them but again, it is a reminder that it isn't for you. Today in the hallway of work I chatted with another coworker who was a bridesmaid yet again! in her life and is quite done with it.

This blog was forwarded to me by a friend. I think that this person has some good ideas... I'm going to muse on it and take action! Family... keep your eyes peeled for A Good Man.


Bargainista said...

Very interesting article. It created some thought provoking discussion around our home.

i am volunteering to be a part of your search committee.

Playing by the Fountain said...

Yeah, liked the article. When I read comments that seem to be posted by those married when 18, it makes me think that I should be less quick to opinion on places I haven't been.

granola_granny said...

Well said Knittin and Fountain. There are others that hurt for singles even though they may not say anything. It seems to me that church can sometimes be the loneliest place for a single person and THAT needs changing.
I too would love to be part of the man search, but I solemnly promise not to suggest someone solely because he's a he and in church.