Saturday, January 17, 2009

Un-love letter

Dear Mr. Mayor:

Apparently lots of your community is up-in-arms about what our tax dollars are not doing. I know that your information number doesn't want to hear from us (as would be demonstrated by the message of "we know there's a problem, don't leave a message" love. But let me tell you why we don't love where our tax dollars are going right now. B/C this really happened to me:
  • On Monday night when I was going to a work commitment dressed up, I got stuck on a significant street. NO one was around. So between rocking my car back and forth, I was kicking snow out from under my tires. Made it JUST in time for my commitment. A tad sweaty but there in time.
  • Last night, due to the lack of street parking, my neighbors son parked in front of my house (my street's neighbors are very considerate about leaving street space in front of your house for you). I couldn't get into the space between cars (you need to leave space for the slippage ice and snow room) so had to turn around. This was a problem. I got stuck... two neighbors came out and pushed me out. While I appreciated getting to know them better, they don't want to see me at 11:45 and then help me up as I slip and fall on the ice. 
  • Please don't give yourself and other alderpersons a 5% raise on the week when everyone is up in arms about the lack of funding to clear the streets... it just doesn't seem all that authentic!
I know that I just pay taxes, work in non-profit and am a single chick in this city, but please... I feel a tad disconnected from being heard. The city is paying for the lack of street cleaning through accidents, ruined clothes and getting stuck. We don't really love it. Please listen. Pretty please with sugar on top?


granola_granny said...

If your 'pretty please' doesn't work, you could try a thinly veiled hint that the mayor might be preceived as having a personal interest in the local car repair business. You also could plan where you had your road incidents. I'm sure there are some mighty fine people yet to be met in your community.

happygeek said...

IN Edmonton, they got the streets cleared by just calling and calling anyway.
Some people even got the mayors home number and called him there.
IT worked.
IT may not here, with the whole chinook-y thing and such.

Anonymous said...

After living in Ontario for 7 years, where they plow the roads after 3 snowflakes and then dump salt on the roads (just in case they missed a flake), I've had to re-learn how to drive in winter conditions!

Bargainista said...

i think that granola granny might be onto something there, KC!

It hasn't been smooth sailing in the province next to you either. Most of our incidents are in the country where there aren't 'neighbors' to push you out, and i hear that the tow trucks are doing a roaring business right now.

Toothfairy Mom said...

I thought I'd share my thoughts, we have a fine group of dedicated snow removal people, who manage to plow my street down to the bare pavement, moments before I have to leave. Usually I'm all dressed up and not ready to shovel 2 feet of now and ice. I appreciate their efforts on our hills though!!!