Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March Madness!

Sorry I've been silent to all five of my family members! February kicked the stuffing out of me...
  • car accident
  • lack of energy
  • paperwork
  • lots of work at work 
  • and to top it off... having one of the neighbor's dog leave me little treats on my lawn... it seemed like it was symbolic of February! Hah hah!
I've decided that I am a fan of March. Here's why:
  • Many wardrobe options-you can choose to wear spring and winter within a 24 hour period and both will be needed. Be forewarned that you should NOT shave your head as one of my male coworkers did in celebration of spring... it will go down to-20 tomorrow! Oh joys
  • Longer sunlight... it truly makes a difference in what you're able to do. The only downside is that now you have to wait until after 6:45 to have friends over so they don't see the dust.
  • Inspiration to clean out closets, storage areas, freezers and everything just in case your life all the sudden turns cool and you are able to do something fun... then you'll have organized space at home. Call me Type A-a tidy house makes a girl happy!
March Madness-most would tell you that it is about the basketball but for this Canadian chiquita-it gives me hope that I'll be able to start my car without scraping it, not worry about the ice on the roads as I cross the street and come home while it is still sunshiney out there!


Bargainista said...

Glad you're back! Missed you!
Yesterday it was melting and mild. Today a storm has blown in. Does that mean if March comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb?? Could we hope!
Spring has to be on it's way. It's been a long winter.

granola_granny said...

Sorry my birthday month was the pits for you.
I've lived a fair while but didn't know the hot tip about inviting people over after dusk so they don't see the dust. Great Plan! I had better get my entertaining in before it's daylight well into the evening.

Anonymous said...

I thought for a quick second that YOU shaved your head. Glad you didn't!

Here's hoping March is a better month than February!